Contact Us

Searching for the appropriate hose clamp or bushing for your market? Fill out our contact form to receive a free quote today.

A Reliable Manufacturer of Hose Clamps and Sleeve Bushings

At DONGBO, we continually research and follow the latest trends in clamping solutions in an effort to improve our product quality and customer service

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    Free Samples

    Receive free samples to help you decide on your customization choices at little cost to your business.

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    Customization Service

    Accepting OEM and ODM orders, we offer custom-fit clamps and bushings at large volumes and affordable rates.

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    Effective Project Management

    Our team tracks all of your orders one-on-one to manage every step of production and meet your deadlines.

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    24/7 Customer Support

    Establishing contact with you within 24 hours, our team handles your files and requests for custom orders.

Get In Touch

*We respect your confidentiality and all information are protected.